Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and stay safe :)
Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve been flooded with things as of late, but I promise to make up for it soon. I should have some sketchbook pages scanned in the next couple of days, along with other illustrations and art.
These are stills from a 3-minute film Yvonne created for school. It was a little weird being filmed as I painted, especially since I have not truly painted in so long (some watercolors here and there). But it was definitely great to get back on the horse. Oh, how I really missed the smell of oils…
I am usually a studio painter, but because of the time restraint, I painted this Ala-Prima (wet paint into went paint). As the pictures suggests, I am a pretty messy painter. I’ve been known to use my forearm as my palette and sometimes chew on my brushes.